Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Body in the Fountain (Flash Fiction)

    Preston strained his eyes through the ninth-floor window; without his spectacles, it was a futile exercise. He could, at least, imagine hearing the tinkling trickle-spatter of the spouting, regurgitated ice-cold water.

Moonlight flecked the dappled surface making it seem, from up here, as if the body in the pool was scouring the bottom for wished-upon pennies, a missing snorkel the only hint to the contrary.

Still, that semblance of mobility unsettled Preston. Glasses. He must fetch his glasses.

spouting fountain at night

He returned from the bathroom in haste, wiping the blood from the lenses with a scrunch of toilet paper.

Now the scene below had edges, came into focus.

For two minutes he watched, unblinking.

The body remained face-down, its bloated clothing waxing and waning in the moonbeam-kissed ripples.

The twin fountain heads were now, he noticed, spouting pink-tinged water, an oddly similar colour to that of the few remaining droplets on his lenses.

No. The bell-ringer was dead.

To be certain, Preston waited until 1a.m. Then a minute past, two, five.

No, nothing; silence reigned. He sighed, and resumed undressing for bed.

It was, he pondered, amazing the lengths to which a sleep-deprived man would go to get a decent night's sleep…

Brief, c/o Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges

This week:
Your character - from his high up window - sees a corpse floating in the famous Michgail fountain. Things are not what they seem.

Fancy a punt? Awesome. Head on over to the Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges Facebook Group and join in! See you on the outre side.

Image courtesy of Eduardo Goody, Unsplash.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

The Silk Thief, Claire Buss: Cover Reveal and Preorder!

The Silk Thief (The Roshaven Series Book 2)


The Silk Thief, releasing 4th June, 2021, is the second quirky magical mystery adventure set in the Roshaven series of humorous fantasy novels.

If you like the wit and humour of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, then you'll love The Silk Thief.

The Silk Thief, The Blurb:

The Silk Thief, Claire Buss, front cover

Fourteen, heir to the Empire of Roshaven, must find herself a new name before Theo, Lord of neighbouring Fidelia, brings his schemes to fruition.

Not only has he stolen Roshaven's trade, but he plans to make Fourteen his own and take her empire in the bargain.

Her protector, Ned Spinks, is plagued with supernatural nightmares whilst his assistant, Jenni the sprite, has lost her magick.

Can they figure out how to thwart Theo's dastardly plan before it's too late for his city and her empire?

PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY: mybook.to/SilkThief.

Friday, 8 January 2021

Awakening Satellite

The launch of the first organic satellite ignited mania and chaos in Japan.

Daiki and Sora, the pilots of the reconnaissance starship that would transport the wooden transmitter into orbit, had become as famous as their country's popstars.

Now, it was just them, their third day orbiting Earth, awaiting confirmation from Ground Control to jettison the satellite.

"Is that static, Sora?" Daiki asked, suddenly twiddling his earpiece.

She shrugged, then transmitted, "Can you hear me, Ground Control?"

"A OK, Sky 1!" they responded, crystal clear.

Without warning, the starship shook to its rivets; the pilots looked at each other, then at the external cameras. What had hit them?

One screen showed a crumpled bay door, but dented from the inside!

  That buzzing grew louder, the bay doors buckled completely and the satellite flew free, chaperoned by hosts of humongous hornets.

Looping branches, like vines, whipped through space as the satellite morphed, growing boles as big as sandpits from which giant hornets poured like a golden river.

A seemingly sentient sapling slithered towards them, encircling the nosecone, dragging the starship towards the satellite's burgeoning mass.

Free of gravity, these ancient creatures had realised their true capacities, and needed fuel for reentry!

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Sudden Breakthrough

Cathy was next to challenge Ganglian, the shrouded entity stealthily poisoning Earth since its arrival.

Cathy'd not chosen this; her astounding TechSpec results had ultimately, unwittingly betrayed her.

She entered her pod, goodbyes addressed, will utterly defeated.

The pearlescent capsule would undoubtedly become her coffin, as had thousands of pods for Challengers beforehand. None had ever returned.

 One door sealed behind her, its opposing number opening, revealing the hereto unseen Ganglian.

Glistening green skin, writhing tentacles, azure pustules, slate eyes: She was beautiful!

Bewildered, Ganglian processed Cathy's reaction: love?

Slowly, She melted into Cathy's arms, whence She died, finally happy.

Friday, 1 January 2021

Web-chat willies

Government had commandeered all clinics and surgeries to fight the ever-mutating virus.

After many iterations, the virus became so virile it, ironically, overran the clinics.

Medical services became stretched, displaced, overwrought.

Phone appointments touched only the tips of icebergs, before melting down altogether.

Zoom had limited uses: fine for the young, but eldery patients missing appointments rocketed to critical levels, becoming unofficial virus victims.

The breakthrough came when Government granted (and paid for) NHS 3-D printing patents. With USB plug-in compatability, treatment became tangible again, albeit indirectly.

That was when Paolo decided he'd be safe taking the sperm test. He and Maria had tried (and tried) until the bed had collapsed, but no bambino for their efforts.


His parcel soon came, printer and all. The only instructions:
  • connect to wifi;
  • insert disc;
  • follow on-screen instructions.

Eventually, everything was set up, printer whirring, sensors on. Paolo readied himself for the next prompt.

» Approach screen wearing loose underwear

"OK," he thought, so, did.

Bad move. Tears welled in his eyes as printed suction cups instantaneously sought, suckered, shook and sucked his genitals.

Through bleary eyes he read the parting message: The NHS: we're coming for you!

If only?!?!