Saturday, 19 December 2020


"I cannae give her any more, Cap'n. She'll blow!"

"Enough with the Scotty impressions, Frank. What will get this ship off Earth before the planet's landmass sinks forever!??"

"You won't like it, Cap'n!"

"Go on. Hit me."

"Dilithium crystal."

  The Cap'n turned aside, bashing his fist into his open palm. Having only one arm, that was some feat.

"If only we'd made the link between diamonds and Dilithium sooner! But the diamonds are all mined, blinging the necks, ears and fingers of the elite!"

"A pearl necklace is what I'd give 'em…"

"Enough smut, Frank. Seriously, man: focus!"

"Say we jettison half the passengers, Cap'n? We'd break through, then."

"Mm, interesting; but which half? The masters, or their servants?"

"The masters, Cap'n!"

"How so, Frank?"

"Well, can you see them foregoing their diamonds, although owning them's illegal, nowadays?"

"I doubt it…"

"Exactly. We'd make the Asteroid Belt on the Dilithium already salvaged. We could hole up there until Earth absorbs their diamonds to repair itself!"

"Marvellous idea, Frank!"

  Cap'n Skyped the bosun, relaying the orders. Three hours later, erstwhile load lightened, the ship broke through!

"Does it feel better now you've got your rocks off, Cap'n?"

"Enough smut, Frank…enough…"

Thursday's prompt from the Sci-fi Roundtable, the catalyst for the above 200-word sci-fi flash comedy (of errors):

Write a flash fiction about this piece and let us see how you use it as story fuel:

  1. Write a flash fiction inspired by the article;
  2. 200 words is the limit;
    • If you find yourself wanting to write more, post the first 200 words in the comments and direct people to the rest that you upload in the files:

"Scientists say the weight of human-made objects will likely exceed that of living things by the end of the year.

"In other words, the combined weight of all the plastic, bricks, concrete and other things we've made in the world will outweigh all animals and plants on the planet for the first time.

"The estimated weight of human-made objects is about one teratonne.

"For every person in the world, more than their body weight in stuff is now being produced each week."

Image: v2osk on Unsplash

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